Posts tagged with "Lifestyle"

21. January 2024
Hi & Happy New Year 2024! It feels like forever since I've last been here. Hope that you are all well. Am doing ok, actually feeling better than I have in quite a long time. Sincerely speaking, this space (the part of my life that revolved around creating fashion) hasn't been binging me much joy like it used to. I have been struggling over the last couple of years & can't really pinpoint when exactly 'my light' started to dim. Maybe during the pandemic, am not so sure. But somehow, I...
27. April 2023
Some time back (am even ashamed to say when this was because this blogpost is so late), but nevertheless, my friend Donata of Afroschick invited me as a plus 1 to attend a workshop organized by TikTok Germany for Black Entrepreneurs. Actually, now that am typing this, I have just remembered that it was part of the celebration of the Black History Month in February. The event took place in Berlin & as always it was not only an opportunity to learn more about navigating the world of 'TikTok '...
26. September 2022
Over the weekend, I was honored to be invited by 'Lessan e.V. Hamburg' to give a Sewing Workshop to girls & young women from the African diaspora. It felt so good to share my gift with these amazing ladies & we spent the afternoon not only sewing, but also talking, laughing, eating & sharing our experiences on an array of life topics. It's really wonderful to see what a difference it makes when we decide to pour back into our community & especially our younger sisters & am...
26. June 2022
Merriam-Webster defines a ''calling' as ''...a strong inner impulse towards a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.'' What is my calling or how do I discover my true calling? That's a question that I am often asked by people. I assume because it is because I carry myself like someone who has found theirs' & is living it. If you ask me what my calling is, I would probably say it is in doing anything which allows me to make use of my...
18. June 2022
It's unbelieveable that the 5 ofus, from left Tabitha of Tabatap Fashion, Maseho Art, Abigael (Art_by_abiagbede), Donata Burmester of Afroschick & Abby Soul (not in the picture) as the UKUBONA Creative Sisters Nord were able to organise the first Group Exhibition by black German Artists here in Hamburg for a whole month. Thank you to the 'Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft' for the support & to everyone who was able to come for the exhibition, thank you so much. Below are a few of the...
23. March 2022
Just dropping by to let you guys know that am alive & doing fine. What's more time consuming than running one business..*hint (running 2 businesses). I cannot complain about the sudden growth that we have experienced, am very grateful infact. I guess that I just need to get used to the increased workload & work out how to handle these new horizons. I do hope that you are all doing fine & also thriving.
02. February 2022
Happy New Year 2022! Am back with a bang (well, kind of), so we are just going to skip all the formalities & get right back to it. This blog title is inspired by the title of a performance play that I recently had the honor of watching last weekend. 'M.Bassy' organizes really interesting exhibitions & this is the first one that I attended this year. A performance by the talented Bermudian born artist 'Sea Novaa' who not only plays music, but is also an artist & also wrote the play...
25. May 2021
Museums are opened again...Yippee! This is great news because I, just like many have missed viewing Art Exhibitions. Online Museum visits just didn't cut it for me, just like online concerts & simply anything else that normaly invokes some passion in me, these unfortunately just didn't appeal to me at all. This was my last museum visit before we went into another lockdown last year & this is one that I really enjoyed. 'Peter Lindbergh' (deceased 2019) was a world renowned Fashion...
14. May 2021
Why are you all over sudden acting so serious? How come you nowadays don't have time for us? How come we don't see much of you around here? Who's that person taking you away from us? What's with the new look, different hair & make up? What's with the new look? Are you sure you are ok? I mean you said that you are ok but you sound different? How come you don't communicate with us as you used to? What's going on with you that you are not telling us? Why are you always smiling? What are you...
05. May 2021
Stop expecting my life to be easy. Life is not easy for everyone (well, not all the time anyway), we all experience major challenges & that does not mean that we are doing it wrong. Stop expecting myself to be able to manage more than I have the capacity to cope with. I need to learn to set boundaries not only for others but for myself too. Learn to stop taking on too much & reacting in shock or shame when I can't do it all. I literally don't need to do it all, nobody does. Stop...

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